Counselling and therapy in Helston and Online Counselling via Zoom

Hi, my name is Clement, I'm a counsellor and therapist based near and working in Helston, Cornwall.

Whether you're here because you want to
learn more about me or to book yourself in for a first counselling session, you are most welcome.

Counsellor near Helston Clement West

To book your first face to face or Zoom counselling session for £40 contact me on

07952 203 766 or email .

Each session is priced at £40 and lasts for 1 hour approximately.

What can I help you with?

Here are some links to give more information about just some of the things I work with

What do previous clients say?

My clients on Better Help have been kind enough to leave me reviews. They are listed here.

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A quick explainer of Person-centred Counselling and Therapy

The terms psychotherapy, therapy and counselling; psychotherapist and counsellor are often used interchangeably. Counselling is considered one of the talking therapies. I am a qualified Person-Centred Counsellor, member of the BACP. Clients come to therapy to receive, for example, grief counselling, couples therapy, anxiety counselling and depression counselling.

Counsellors near you might practice using different therapeutic approaches; I use mainly Person-Centred Counselling, with additions where I think the client will benefit.

Person-Centred Counselling originates from the writings of Carl Rogers in the post-war period, seeking an alternative to the psychodynamic therapy dominant at the time. The various counselling approaches are said to have varying levels of directivity, meaning how much the counsellor leads the client. Rogers wanted to avoid directing clients believing them to be experts in themselves, with the counsellor taking on a more supportive, empathetic role. The key tenets of Person Centred Therapy, known as the 3 Core conditions are

In Person Centred Counselling, you may expect to receive empathy in an environment where the counsellor holds you in your best, most positive aspect and displays congruence - that is, the counsellor will show feeling and be their true selves with you.